
Crash course for beginners German and Swiss German

Beginners’ Crash Course: Master simple everyday situations in a short time!

Our beginners’ crash course is suitable for motivated students with a limited budget. The course has a fast learning pace and requires very active participation from the student during the course.


Duration: 36 private lessons of 45 minutes each, taken in 18 lessons of 90 minutes each.


Location: at our school or at your company in Zurich


Target group:  beginners or “false” beginners

Useful grammar and basic vocabulary

We minimise the grammar and vocabulary to the most useful and common building blocks that enable efficient everyday use.

Surviving in everyday life

We integrate a wide range of useful information about life in Zurich and Switzerland. Our teachers are always happy to answer specific questions and give good tips to interested students.

Acquiring language survival skills is crucial to feeling comfortable in Zurich and appreciating the Swiss way of life. Our method places a strong focus on communication. Students practice their language skills in the context of everyday situations that an expatriate in Switzerland is most likely to encounter, such as:


Establish and maintain social and professional contacts.


Give and obtain information (formally and informally).


Performing communicative acts (making appointments, shopping, ordering in a restaurant).

Important information about our Crash course

The crash course was designed for students with a limited budget or limited time frame for learning German. The course is fast-paced and demands regularly a very active collaboration of the student during the course and at least the same amount of hours for homework.

We developed a programme of 27 hours, covering the first half of Level A1. The goal was to cover the most useful and basic grammar and vocabulary for the most common everyday situations, so that, once the course is over, the student can go on learning by himself.

We recommend private lessons. We do allow groups of 2 or 3 students, but we can’t guarantee reaching the aspired level for groups.

If your budget or time frame is not limited, it is preferable to go for a standard course with our standard beginner programme, which cover level A1 up to level B1.

In a private course with a standard programme you still can speed up your learning pace according to your needs and progress.


1 person

CHF 3'024.00
18 lessons à 90 minutes

2 persons

CHF 1'620.00
18 lessons à 90 minutes

3 Personen

CHF 1'152.00
18 lessons à 90 minutes